Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Community Pet Peeves

Alright so there are a few things about the community that turn me off or make me realize that many guys have a long way to go. Anyway I have a tendency to repeat myself so if I do just ignore it. So here are my biggest pet peeves about the community:

1) Hero worship - Grrrrrr!!! PUA's are not messiahs. They fail! They are human. They sometimes bang less than desirable women. They go nights without approaching. I've seen the majority of them and I admire some of their teachings but I've seen their flaws. You would be surprised! Get off your knees and stop worshiping them. If you're 13-17 it's understandable. If you're 18-24 and still a virgin I can see that. If you're 25 and older and you're worshiping PUA's we need to talk. Also remember that what is preached and works for some gurus doesn't mean it's going to work for you.

2) Player hating! Just as bad as hero worshipping is the guy that hates so and so, thinks his teaching is garbage because it doesn't work for him, jock rides one company and flames another,
worships one guru and scoffs at the others, etc.

3) Rejecting the mainstream: I'll never forget a well respected Ivy league PHD graduate putting out a book about women and a few community guys blasting it by saying that the information contradicts community advice or master guru whoever's theory. I think the IQ level of several community guys dropped a bit on that thought. Just because an article or book was written by someone who isn't a guru or hasn't approached 100,000 sets doesn't mean it isn't worthy, valid or true. I don't think these people got their PHD's at Harvard just sitting around thinking up shit and writing books about it. ' AFC scientist who doesn't get laid is saying that people with similar attributes tend to be attracted to each other and blah, blah, blah' this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, etc. Bullshit, shut up please! Yes there are plenty of paper professors, columnist and speakers who don't understand dating dynamics but I can honestly say there are plenty of so called gurus I've seen who have trouble pulling women and the only ones that manage to pull are drunk sleazy types who would respond to any stimulus.

4) Judging others taste. This my friends is complete bullshit! What you like and what I like aren't the same. One of the best naturals I have ever met, in fact he'd put most of the community guys to shame, is an older black guy who is attracted to mainly tall, amazon like white women with big hips and big butts. He has a weakness for them. To me they are too big and chunky ( I've noticed a lot of black men like bigger women ), I tend to like thin Asian and white girls but I can't fault him because I have seen him pull a 10 that I would go for just for the simple fact that he can. We are too caught up in others opinions to value what we're attracted too. I know one guy who left the community because of that bullshit. He said he got tired of admitting that he liked nerdy girls who weren't model looking or even close but he was attracted to them. The black guy I had mentioned would own most of these guys who ridicule his taste in females! I think we can all agree that Miss Universe pageant contestants are beautiful but that doesn't everyone of us will be sexually interested in those types.

5) Stupid questions and Stupid Answers. Grrrrrr!!! She said this, what do I say next? I said hello to this girl and - "Don't say hello its what AFC's do!" I negged her and she didn't respond what is next? "You shouldn't take her to dinner, she will never be attracted to you now"
I can go forever with this. You get the picture though its the robotic questions and it's the guy who responds with text book answers. BS! Learn to socialize first, it will make things so much easier.

6) Product reliance. In another post I titled products, products, products I talked about a friend who had just about every product known to man yet is success wasn't that much greater than another friend who read forums and an ebook or two. When you rely on products and you're begging for more product it tells me that either you love information or you aren't approaching as many woman as you can and you feel that more products will solve what you're looking for.


Anonymous said...

You should read "siddhartha" by herman hesse, it relates to what you are saying and even surpasses it.

Unknown said...

Hey , please keep writing this blog. The more critics within the community the better. Hopefully the whole thing will become less weird , dumb and scamfilled.

I also like this guys thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Hi, great blog. Can you please tell me the name of the book by the PhD researcher?

UnknownPua said...

Thanks Jason, the book was 'The Female Brain' written by a Yale and UC Berkeley graduate.