Monday, September 22, 2008

The Future of the PUA Community

I've been pondering this lately: what is the future of this community. Where will we be in 2010, 2011, 2015? Who will be the new gurus (barf to that word) and new companies to emerge?

The community has expanded since I first found out about it 8 or 9 years ago. It was actually weirder in those days but it was also cooler. Every answer wasn't solved with someone telling you to take their bootcamp or buy a product. As you know I'm tired of reading about or seeing new products month after month. $300, $400, $500, a $1000 dollar sets of 10-20 2 hour dvds and cd's. And like I said 9 times out of 10 all you need is a pair of balls and the personality to back up a desire to talk to women and be social, interesting and attractive. If I'm a big PUA business, company etc my mindset is like that of pharmaceutical companies - I don't want you to find your own cure I want to cure you and I want you to tell others they need me too and I can cure them from their 'AFC' ways. I remember arguing with a female friend who graduated with a degree in pharmacy and worked for a big name company. She loathed the idea of Americans getting any drugs from Canada or India or trying to find natural cures. She came up with rebuttals to those ideas saying they weren't safe, not FDA approved and everything else. What she was really saying is she doesn't want someone dipping in her pocket. It was the same argument I had with a former instructor who at the time argued that every guy outside of the community who isn't a natural needs this stuff and should take a bootcamp or purchase these products, otherwise his dating life will be miserable or his only option will be dating unattractive women. The truth is he wanted his customers to be successful more than anything but only because it kept money in his pocket not because he's concerned with your general dating welfare
and the quality of woman that come in and out of your life. He also had 'Guru-itis' which is the bug that hits community guys once they become instructors, they suddenly feel this god-like status come over them and their word becomes biblical in nature. God forbid you should disagree with them in a forum on a particular topic related to game. No, no, no! Ahhh the arrogance of being a community guy. The master gurus (the ones that start the companies, were mentioned in the book, or the ones that were around back in the day) feel superior to the instructors who feel superior to the guys in the forum with a thousands of post and lots of field reports (veterans) but haven't taken the plunge to be an instructor, and they feel superior to the newbies who feel superior the the AFC's and other guys outside of the community. It's one big chain reaction!
So what will the rest of 2008 and the start of 2009 bring? More products, bigger releases, super conferences with a merge of companies, higher bootcamp prices (please God don't say it's so) and the continuing of the soap opera effect: company vs company, guru vs guru, philosophy vs philosophy, dorks vs dorks arguing over it all, and a bunch of confused teenagers and men running around with their heads cut off wondering who to listen to, where to go, what to do and who to do it with.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The majority of the 'leaders' amongst the community are not taken to account with regards to people getting laid, their merit is based completely on their ability to market themselves, and as an extension, their products; perpetuating the mediocrity that is the community.

What Mehow started with his monthly vid's of the different guys in field was a move in the right direction, for the simple reason that it showed guys putting their ideas into practice (not saying its worth shit, but I remember hypnotica causing a bit of a stir with a lot of 'o my god you cant do that' dogma BS from rival camps).

Now, as we all know, it’s easy enough to edit vid's favorably...and until you actually see it go all the way to sex, you never really know (is kissing chicks and getting phone numbers the pinnacle of excellence? HA! what a joke).

A 'cure' for the community would be empirical results (meritocracy...the communities kryptonite), which are nigh impossible to achieve; practically, morally, legally etc...though judging by the character amongst the leaders, if the money was there then it would happen.

Mehow (though I’m sure it’s not his main motivating factor) has taken a step in the right direction.

basic economics; those selling products into the community will be looking at their bottom line, NOT what is in the best interests of others. In fact, they would move against anything that would jeopardize their income...which is pretty clear.

beyond the relativly esoteric few (mode one, gunwitch, pook etc..), guru's on the whole do not embrace the actual reality of SEX,instead opting to play some twisted game they have created in the minds of themselves and their 'marks'.

It is their job to get laid, and yet they cannot even believe that getting laid 3 times a week is easy, and I hold down a real job!

I HOPE 2009 brings some actual thought to the table as well. The level of idiocy and ignorance amongst the leaders of the community is astounding. The constant dribble of baseless theories (no, evolutionary psychology is NOT a science, spirituality, even the creating of new definitions for words...arg!), which are poorly understood and terribly implemented gets on my tits.

more competition would be good, and if 'the community' goes 'main stream', which it is closer to then ever before, the end user may get a broader picture of what is available, and feedback from peers as opposed to plants.

so far, few people beyond the torrent community have a very wide range of experience with the multitude of the products available.

I hope the actual members of the community understand that their beliefs are almost certainly limiting if not plain wrong, and there is a better way to do just about everything they currently believe to be no less then fact.

Man, its an endless scroll of gripes…..

I feel slightly better now