Thursday, June 26, 2008

How do you game a 10!

Seriously you see this a lot am I right? Well heres the answer. You game a 10 the same way you game a 9. And you game a 9 the same way you game a 8 and you game an 8 the same way you game a 7 on down to 1! Now if you're gaming 1's we need to talk. There's no reason to game a 1 or 2 all the way up to a 5. Yes I've banged a 4 and a 5, together they were a 9. No seriously I don't game numbers! I game women. So gaming a 1 and a 10 is the same but different. In other words you may have thin, athletic beautiful blond at the bar and big, chunky not so attractive brunette at the bar. I talk to them the same. You may say hello to the blonde and she may smile and say hello back and the next thing you're in a conversation with a beautiful women. You may say hello to the overweight brunette and she may ignore you or ask why you're talking to her. You get it? You game women not numbers! Everyone is different. Tammy may have a hard shell around her, Jennifer may be warm and receptive. Notice I didn't say how attractive or unattractive each girl was. I've gamed 10's with simple conversation starters that led to dates afterwards, and I've had a time and a half gaming 7's using everything in the toolbox only to have a flake and vice versa. Numbers don't matter who she is does.
So the question is who is the girl you're gaming? What does she do? What are her ambitions in life? Who are her friends? What's her favorite music? How close is she with her family? All of these little questions and observations give you insight into the type of girl you're gaming. Not just her face and waste size. Remember that.

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