Tuesday, July 1, 2008

To Bootcamp or Not? Some less flattering stories

I know it riddles your brain, whether or not you should take a bootcamp or not. I know if you had that extra $2500-$3000 laying around you'd do it in a heartbeat. So for most people it's a matter of money instead of whether they will get anything out of it. You've read the amazing reviews and got excited and felt like a peeping tom looking in on a cool party that you weren't invited. Okay seriously I have several friends some of who I know personally and some by corresponding through the internet over the years, who have taken bootcamps and the reviews were mixed. Once again let me add that I'm not here to slander or flame any company nor am I here to hype any company up so I'm leaving out names. Now I've had 5 close friends of mine take bootcamps with various companies (one guy took two bootcamps) Two of my friends asked for refunds, as did another guy who took the bootcamp. The other guy felt he gained nothing from the experience but he was too proud to ask for a refund and the last two felt uplifted by their bootcamp experience.

Now none of these guys are total AFC's which should tell you something. The other guys who went to the bootcamp were total AFC's so their hype of an experience is a result of being young and never having the experience of dating, being intimate with women or anything similar. The first couple of women that responded to them in a positive manner made them feel like Gods. But for my friends they had already been in relationships, dated or had fair success meeting women so there was nothing revolutionary about their bootcamps. By the way most of this happened in late 2006 and in 2007. Here are some of their comments I remember:

"The daytime was seminar and get to know you talk mainly over stuff you know if you read all the material and such; the night time we were told to go and talk to this set or that set and after every set you'll get a little feedback like you did X well, you should do more Y. My instructor didn't do any demo sets, he hung in the background and talked with another instructor and kind of observed."

"After seminars we got to the clubs and the approached sets. The instructor did one demo set that went okay but nothing more than the girls smiling, a little laughter and then he ejected. Some of us did well, some didn't. One guy was so scared that the instructor sent a girl over to talk to him. The next night he approached and had a few girls giggling and he was like Wow man this is amazing and I'm thinking like 'have you been in a cave for the past 22 years?' When you read a message board and there's always guys who seem clueless about every detail you realize they exist in real life and they do need help but for most of us it's standard bar and club night. I didn't get much out of it to be honest"

"Shit man the instructor just kept blabbing on and joking about where he was before he got in the community. I found out he was a newbie and AFC 6 months ago and now he's an instructor. His demo was horrible, like things you know not to do even if you aren't in the community. I kissed closed and # closed without applying most of what we learned, this was just from shit I knew from going out so much myself and with my friends. He stopped me after the night and said I should teach which I found flattering but man I forked out a few thousand, I wanted to learn how to take my game to another level. He had the other guys feeling like they were superheroes because 2 of the other guys were virgins but I'm feeling like I could've saved my money and upped my wardrobe. Think real hard before you fork over money for a bootcamp man because you may be just one step away from were these instructors are and you realize all you need is some balls. I am not joking!"

"Man I was thinking okay this is it! I wanted to do this for a long time so I could go back home and completely take over the nightlife in my city. Here I am taking a bootcamp with one of the elite companies after reading all of the great reviews and even seeing pics of cute girls. I remember I couldnt wait to get out of the class portion and go to the club. Fuck me if I was totally not blown away! Let me rephrase that man. It was a $3000 weekend to do the same stuff I had been doing before I took the bootcamp and that is go around, be social and talk to people, and start conversations with women. I couldn't wait to see the instructor do some gaming and they did. They also got blown out, one instructor had his HB9 that he was gaming taken by some big black guy that looked like Terrell Owens! Another instructor sat with some random guy and they did shots of tequila and kept singing dumb songs. It makes you realize that this whole guru talk is overrated, these guys are normal like you and I. I wasn't expecting them to take girlfriends from boyfriends, pull supermodels from alpha male sets or the likes but I was expecting to see something more than my instructor getting drunk or another one spending 30 minutes talking to a HB6 and twice getting the women he was gaming taking by some other guys. I don't know man, I learned a lot more from the negative than the positive experinces "

Those are a few less desirable comments from guys I talk too. Keep in mind that their experiences were deleted from the forums which brings up another point: Who are these guys who are having these amazing experiences? Why do the majority of them have less than 5 post to their name? Where are their lay reports months after their mind blowing bootcamps? Where are the majority of negative reviews? Did 95 percent have positive experiences, is that what we are to believe? These are questions you should ask yourself.
From my own experience I've probably seen about 60-70 percent of the top name PUA's on the West Coast, Canada, and even a few from overseas. I've seen some guys who were good and I've seen some top level guys who were no better than your average decent looking man in the club when it comes to interacting with women. But to the untrained eye they look like superstars.
Keep in mind that out of your top list of PUA's (the ones that are ranked every year) - most of them did not take a bootcamp. If you list the top well known guys in the community the majority of them did not attend a bootcamp! They learned through trial by fire with the exception of a few.

Here's some questions to ponder before taking a bootcamp:
What is the quality of the instructors? How long have they been involved in the community?
Is there a refund? How many positive reviews are there outside of their own forums? What is the skill level of the students months after the bootcamp (are they seeing much better results)
and is this something that you may be able to learn on your own without shelling out a few grand but companies seem to push the idea that you can't learn it without a bootcamp?

Now for me there was a point where for 3 months I said I would game no girls except 9's and 10's. Nothing less. And so I did and as a result I got laid by several 9's and 10's. It took a lot, there were flakes, blow outs, shutdowns but out of 28 women in a 3 month period I slept with 7. Ironically it's the same result I had with 6's, 7's and 8's. And this is without bootcamps or anything else with the exception of some creative routines I put together and a strong frame I embodied and having the balls to talk straight up to very attractive girls.

So the bottom line is a bootcamp may help the low man on the totem pole afc or someone totally new to game but for many others all that glitters isn't gold. I'm not saying you should take one or that you shouldn't; all I'm saying it know what you're getting into and realize that you may not always get out of it what you expect.

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