Sunday, July 20, 2008

Routines or Natural? It's really your choice

With so much going on in the PUA business world, I mean the community it's really hard to figure out what path to take and with who. The common debate for the last (pick a number) years is routine vs natural (or commonly referred to as direct vs indirect) and to be honest I'm so tired of hearing about it that I don't give a damn. Does a gimmick offense get you to the Super Bowl? If so then hell run with it. Lord knows I've run a ton of routines in order to secure that one night stand, or date and the thing you have to remember is you aren't going to use them all of the time. You may open with a routine, tell a story, and maybe make some generic observations but that's about it to routine game. It's not 10,000 lines of memorized sentences and phrases. On the contrary if you're stuck after delivering your opening and your story then you have no game! If you are asking the board what to say after you say xxxx then you have no game! And if you are shaking in your boots or pissed because there may be a television show coming out about the lifestyle you live then you aren't a man with a core identity that's attractive.

Now the best PUA's I've seen run both routine based and natural game. They are what the community considers some of the best and well known guys out there. But their routines did not get them laid. Their routines only allowed them entrance into a group and minutes to interact with that group. Read that again for all of you 'routines are for suckers' guys. Their routines did not get them laid, it only allowed them less resistance when entering a group and time to demonstrate their personality. I see a group of 3 girls, I have my fun opener ready
and I go in and deliver it with success, maybe tell a story or two that I've told everyone in the world (the same way you do with coworkers, friends etc) and just vibe it naturally from there.

My friend who runs some super tight routine based game said 'Show me a guy who walks into a set of 5 girls and guys and pulls the girl he's interested in out of the set by walking up and expressing his true desires and 8 out of 10 times I'll show you an athlete, actor, musician or a guy who the girl was strongly attracted to in the first place'

So from that you hear my defense of routine based game. The reason so many guys are critical of it is because they feel like that's all guys run. As if a guy runs 2 hours worth of routines. Bullshit! I bet the best routine based guys run about 5-10 minutes top worth of routines.
Now for you routine based guys quit being so damn critical of the natural or direct guys. I don't want to hear anymore of this crap about 'that's what all guys do' because it's not. Just as much as it irks me when guys suddenly find the natural holy grail and bash routines it irks me when guys who feel that they need routines bash natural/direct game as methodical, unoriginal or nothing different than what every other guy does in the club. As I write this I recall the other night seeing the cutest girl in the bar ( a lovely biracial 5'4 girl with black curly hair and the prettiest eyes) getting picked up and smiling while talking to this bald black guy who said nothing more than "hey how are you?, I'm Kev, what's your name? Thats a lovely name..." And those two ended up going outside and talking forever and he left with her number. What everyone else does....whatever.

The truth is 'game is game' and if you have it then you'll do well and if you don't - I don't care if Jesus wrote some routines for you, you will suck in the field. It really and truly does boil down to your confidence, self esteem, and personality. Everything else is a filter, whether it's pre-scripted or off the top of your head.


k-dog said...

The gurus tell you to free yourself from the limiting belief that you have to be rich or handsome to get girls. They don't mention the limiting belief that you can't possibly have beautiful women in your life without their help, and with nothing more to guide you than your own intelligence, personality, balls, and persistence. Consciously or not, they encourage the mentality that you are not enough just as you are, which ironically is the essence of an unattractive mindset.

k-dog said...

Whoops, my comment was meant to go with the "Pua head mess" entry.