Monday, July 14, 2008

Pua head mess

What is the difference between you being the guy wanting or gaming hot girls and the guy who isn't a PUA or even a natural who actually dates attractive women?

Why do I ask? Because I have a friend who time and time again has dated very attractive girls. He is not a PUA, he is not a natural, he is not in the community. He is just an average guy who goes for attractive women and asked them out. And he's not the only one I know who does this. Plenty of guys do. That HB9 and HB10 you're wondering how to approach has/is dating someone who isn't in the community, who isn't this 6'4 alpha stud, and who isn't some smooth Mr Natural. She's dating a John Doe and you see it all the time but in your reality it shouldn't happen because he doesn't have the theory down, the tactics, the state, the routines, or the social proof. He just is. He does what he wants, he goes for what he wants, he takes chances that aren't calculated and don't seem weird or require special techniques. He may do things that make you go "that's so AFC" but who gives a damn. He's dating the girl you're trying to boyfriend destroy (thumbs down to that BS tactic) or the girl you're asking the board how to get!

Get it?


Julian said...

true true those are wise words! dat is why i go direct no routines and shit unless im in comfort and i get what i want!!

Bala said...

Love for your post. Good work. I hope you keep writing stuff