Friday, October 24, 2008

So what do you think about the show?

Yep I get asked that sometimes. I don't know why so many take it so serious. It's just a show for entertainment purposes as all reality shows are. It's not 100 percent staged and it's not 100 percent real either. Those participating in the show (club scenes) have to sign release forms to be filmed. They know they are being filmed they just aren't sure what its for. The writers have to put together interesting plot lines for the shows entertainment value. But otherwise it's a pretty good show but I wouldn't use it the base my game off of.

With that in mind you you have this camp who thinks the magician is a fraud, phony and a douche bag and this other camp who thinks he's Gods gift to pickup, the Elvis of the seduction community and worship him based on their perception of him or limited exposure to him.
I can say years back I used to see him out and while I can testify that he did do well in a social environment, my jaw never dropped because I've seen natural guys do just as good or better.
The best naturals I've seen are better than the best PUA gurus I've seen trust me on this.
There's a black guy I used to see out named Rick that I would put up against any guy that's in the community. He's just that good, cool, laid back, no tricks, no tactics, just solid conversation, confidence and a knack for getting what he wants.
The thing is most guys who exclaim that they were amazed when they see a true PUA in field tend to be the ones who have rarely been out in club environments and rarely have any success with women on their own. I played basketball in high school over 12 years ago, if I played today against a bunch of guys who have never bounced a ball or watched the game they will be amazed at my washed up white boy skills. I noticed the majority of guys in the worship camp are between the ages of 17 - 24, with very limited experience around women and limited social skills and night life exposure.
Most older guys and guys who have had experience with women tend to not fan the guru worship flames. My point here? There is nothing that he is doing that you guys can't do for yourself. He's only showing you a specific way to do it that fits his goals, reality and strategy but he isn't doing anything that natural guys who go out consistently aren't doing; The only difference is he's approaching more people with much more narrow goals and focus.

Anyway I think the show is fun in some ways but like I said it can be very misleading. The main thing I hope it does is put aside these limiting beliefs of what it takes to meet and date women. The one thing I hope it doesn't do is spawn more clones, idol worshipers and naive newbies who think the only way to talk to an attractive girl is by throwing negs, a false misrepresentation of yourself and feeling like you have to play value games in order to be on her level. Watch it and enjoy it but take a lot of it with a grain of salt. Remember they set these type of shows up to have winners and losers to keep the ratings up not for your educational benefit.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Future of the PUA Community

I've been pondering this lately: what is the future of this community. Where will we be in 2010, 2011, 2015? Who will be the new gurus (barf to that word) and new companies to emerge?

The community has expanded since I first found out about it 8 or 9 years ago. It was actually weirder in those days but it was also cooler. Every answer wasn't solved with someone telling you to take their bootcamp or buy a product. As you know I'm tired of reading about or seeing new products month after month. $300, $400, $500, a $1000 dollar sets of 10-20 2 hour dvds and cd's. And like I said 9 times out of 10 all you need is a pair of balls and the personality to back up a desire to talk to women and be social, interesting and attractive. If I'm a big PUA business, company etc my mindset is like that of pharmaceutical companies - I don't want you to find your own cure I want to cure you and I want you to tell others they need me too and I can cure them from their 'AFC' ways. I remember arguing with a female friend who graduated with a degree in pharmacy and worked for a big name company. She loathed the idea of Americans getting any drugs from Canada or India or trying to find natural cures. She came up with rebuttals to those ideas saying they weren't safe, not FDA approved and everything else. What she was really saying is she doesn't want someone dipping in her pocket. It was the same argument I had with a former instructor who at the time argued that every guy outside of the community who isn't a natural needs this stuff and should take a bootcamp or purchase these products, otherwise his dating life will be miserable or his only option will be dating unattractive women. The truth is he wanted his customers to be successful more than anything but only because it kept money in his pocket not because he's concerned with your general dating welfare
and the quality of woman that come in and out of your life. He also had 'Guru-itis' which is the bug that hits community guys once they become instructors, they suddenly feel this god-like status come over them and their word becomes biblical in nature. God forbid you should disagree with them in a forum on a particular topic related to game. No, no, no! Ahhh the arrogance of being a community guy. The master gurus (the ones that start the companies, were mentioned in the book, or the ones that were around back in the day) feel superior to the instructors who feel superior to the guys in the forum with a thousands of post and lots of field reports (veterans) but haven't taken the plunge to be an instructor, and they feel superior to the newbies who feel superior the the AFC's and other guys outside of the community. It's one big chain reaction!
So what will the rest of 2008 and the start of 2009 bring? More products, bigger releases, super conferences with a merge of companies, higher bootcamp prices (please God don't say it's so) and the continuing of the soap opera effect: company vs company, guru vs guru, philosophy vs philosophy, dorks vs dorks arguing over it all, and a bunch of confused teenagers and men running around with their heads cut off wondering who to listen to, where to go, what to do and who to do it with.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Another Bootcamp review

Again I don't post names of companies to shame anyone but instead to expose a little reality on what really goes on sometimes. This one is from a guy who I talked to on the phone who emailed me his experience. He and I have been cool for about a year now and he got in the community in 2006 and saved up for his bootcamp started last December. Here was a short run down of his experience.

"Man I read all of the hype of how this was going to change my life and my perspective and everything else. That's what guys on the forum were saying so I had more than enough saved up and said what the hell. Mind you I have pulled women so I wasn't a newbie or a virgin. The other guy that took the bootcamp was a 22 year old virgin who had never really gone out. Of course his experience was going to be good but mine - well I'm 29 and have been laid about 15 times in my lifetime. My instructor wasn't all that great. Don't get me wrong he was cool and for the most part we hung out and he had us go into sets with a few natural openers and I got some good responses and socialized with about 5 out of 8 sets. The other sets I was pretty much shut out after a 10 second introduction. But the ones I did open it was pretty much vibing and nothing else. I did get two numbers but it won't do me much good because I flew in for my bootcamp. I never saw much from the instructor except him saying that I'm doing pretty good and I just need to lean back a little more, and relax more and that one chick was into me but I didn't catch on. He did 2 demos at each club we went to but it was nothing but him entering, getting hello's, and then a cool exit. He never escalated or anything. I have to say the feedback was decent but after the bootcamp was over I kept thinking of better things I could've done with the 3 grand I spent on everything. I give my bootcamp a 2 out of 5 stars. Had it been $500 I would've given in 4 out of 5 stars but the value and what I learned doesn't match the cost in my opinion."

So far over the last two years I've talked to 12 guys who've taken bootcamps with various companies. 4 out of those 12 have great experiences. Another 3 had decent experiences but felt it was a bit too expensive for what they got out of it and 5 had horrible experiences with reactions like "this was a waste for me!" Do your homework.

Monday, September 1, 2008

My Community Rant READ!!

I wrote this awhile back but bumped it up because there are so many truths to it that I want people to understand.

Okay so I don't want this blog to be nothing but a rant of me mocking the community but I do want to share the things I know or have discovered or just simply things that are annoying about the PUA community. I've been around a few dozen guys from community from ex-instructors, gurus, regular scene guys and the likes. I've had the opportunity to travel to London, Los Angeles, NY, San Fran, Miami, Toronto and other places because of my enthusiasm and desire to learn not to mention having a dad that was willing to pay for me to travel around.

For starters I won't call out anyone or any company. I'm not going to do damage to their reputation but at the same time I'm not going to endorse anyone or their company. The fact is there are some companies and guys teaching the business that have no business doing so which leads to my first and biggest rant and that's guys that jumped in this to milk the cash cow. In the years since I left and rejoined the community I will expose several things I've either witnessed first hand, heard from a good friend who was there or heard from an ex-instructor no longer around:

1) Hanging out against the bar or wall sipping a drink and talking to a buddy, opening maybe 1 or 2 girls and then going home after a few hours.

2) doing set demo's with less attractive, easy girls who already showed a bit of interest

3) making up field reports and bootcamp reports under different aliases to inspire business (ever notice that 90 percent of the bootcamp feedback is guys with only 1 or 2 post? Were they never apart of the forum before the bootcamp? Why don't they tell us their progress after the bootcamp or continue posting in forums?)

4) Giving overlong seminars, then taking guys out and pushing them into sets without demo'ing a set themselves. Instead they sit back with observations: "that was good, you did well, you just need to lean back a little" Several coaches I know who aren't dating will tell their students that they have a girlfriend so it gets them out of doing nothing more in a demo set than a introduction.

5) Fake sets! This was from a former instructor who said that yes some companies will actually pay girls before hand to make a students set go easier. The company has a relationship with a few girls outside of the company and pays them (or gets them free drinks or whatever) to interact positively with a student during a bootcamp.

6) Fake infield hidden cameras dvd's or audio. See above.

7) posing with women for added value. Yep I did it too! Posing with attractive women and showing it off to others saying 'yeah this girl was into me but she was psycho so I stopped calling her and...' I've seen almost every PUA do this including the most famous of them.

Okay so that's my main rant and that's why I said previously that some of these guys aren't any good. They aren't bad but they aren't the Gods that people on the forums make them out to be.
The guru worship is a bit redundant as well as the guru hate. Neither is deserved. I realize there are guys who don't get laid so any information to them is like placing a dumbell in a skinny guys hand and telling him to curl it repetiously. But you know I realized even before the community that going out and actually having a conversation with women solves 1/4 of your problems and I don't want to hear the 'Thats what AFC's do' excuse because it's a lame excuse. WTF is an AFC anyway and why do guys who've been around for 3-6 months feel like they are so much better than them? And as far as some of the so called 'gurus' well I've seen some of these guys and some of them are train wrecks. Would you want some guys giving you relationship advice who have never been in a relationship longer than 1 year? Yes some of these guys are good at gaining interest and attraction and notice I said some not all, but many have deeper issues that lie outside of pickup theory and practice.

So that's my community rant. It is what it is. I've seen the good and the bad and it's not as great as it seems and it's not as bad as it seems, just somewhere in between.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Community Pet Peeves

Alright so there are a few things about the community that turn me off or make me realize that many guys have a long way to go. Anyway I have a tendency to repeat myself so if I do just ignore it. So here are my biggest pet peeves about the community:

1) Hero worship - Grrrrrr!!! PUA's are not messiahs. They fail! They are human. They sometimes bang less than desirable women. They go nights without approaching. I've seen the majority of them and I admire some of their teachings but I've seen their flaws. You would be surprised! Get off your knees and stop worshiping them. If you're 13-17 it's understandable. If you're 18-24 and still a virgin I can see that. If you're 25 and older and you're worshiping PUA's we need to talk. Also remember that what is preached and works for some gurus doesn't mean it's going to work for you.

2) Player hating! Just as bad as hero worshipping is the guy that hates so and so, thinks his teaching is garbage because it doesn't work for him, jock rides one company and flames another,
worships one guru and scoffs at the others, etc.

3) Rejecting the mainstream: I'll never forget a well respected Ivy league PHD graduate putting out a book about women and a few community guys blasting it by saying that the information contradicts community advice or master guru whoever's theory. I think the IQ level of several community guys dropped a bit on that thought. Just because an article or book was written by someone who isn't a guru or hasn't approached 100,000 sets doesn't mean it isn't worthy, valid or true. I don't think these people got their PHD's at Harvard just sitting around thinking up shit and writing books about it. ' AFC scientist who doesn't get laid is saying that people with similar attributes tend to be attracted to each other and blah, blah, blah' this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, etc. Bullshit, shut up please! Yes there are plenty of paper professors, columnist and speakers who don't understand dating dynamics but I can honestly say there are plenty of so called gurus I've seen who have trouble pulling women and the only ones that manage to pull are drunk sleazy types who would respond to any stimulus.

4) Judging others taste. This my friends is complete bullshit! What you like and what I like aren't the same. One of the best naturals I have ever met, in fact he'd put most of the community guys to shame, is an older black guy who is attracted to mainly tall, amazon like white women with big hips and big butts. He has a weakness for them. To me they are too big and chunky ( I've noticed a lot of black men like bigger women ), I tend to like thin Asian and white girls but I can't fault him because I have seen him pull a 10 that I would go for just for the simple fact that he can. We are too caught up in others opinions to value what we're attracted too. I know one guy who left the community because of that bullshit. He said he got tired of admitting that he liked nerdy girls who weren't model looking or even close but he was attracted to them. The black guy I had mentioned would own most of these guys who ridicule his taste in females! I think we can all agree that Miss Universe pageant contestants are beautiful but that doesn't everyone of us will be sexually interested in those types.

5) Stupid questions and Stupid Answers. Grrrrrr!!! She said this, what do I say next? I said hello to this girl and - "Don't say hello its what AFC's do!" I negged her and she didn't respond what is next? "You shouldn't take her to dinner, she will never be attracted to you now"
I can go forever with this. You get the picture though its the robotic questions and it's the guy who responds with text book answers. BS! Learn to socialize first, it will make things so much easier.

6) Product reliance. In another post I titled products, products, products I talked about a friend who had just about every product known to man yet is success wasn't that much greater than another friend who read forums and an ebook or two. When you rely on products and you're begging for more product it tells me that either you love information or you aren't approaching as many woman as you can and you feel that more products will solve what you're looking for.

Friday, August 8, 2008

favorite quote from an Instructor

This is my favorite quote from an instructor I hung out with the other day

"It's funny that most of the guys in the community refer to most of the guys outside of the community as AFC's when I've found that a majority of guys in the community suck and I'd actually rather hang out with guys outside of the community because tend to be more grounded"

Yep I've found the same thing in having those guys you meet who say they are in the community and you hang out with them for a night and usually one or two things happen a) they are too scared to even say hello to a woman or b) they try to sarge everything including the cat and throw out way too many unnecessary 'negs' and try to be uber cool.

I think there's this pressure on guys when you meet them and you both know you're in the community to prove yourself to not look like a chump or whatever. Personally I don't give a damn. I'll sit there at the bar drinking Jack and Cokes and talking up a guy while watching babes go by and he'll keep saying "did you see her?" "Why didn't you talk to that one?" Why? Because I don't have too that's why. I'm not at a job, I'm not being scored and I'm not on a mission. When I want to game I game and when I don't I just sit back and chill.
So stop being weird, stop thinking that because you're in this community you know more about women than every other guy that's not in the community, it's okay to help your fellow man but if he doesn't want to have a flock of women or whatever then don't berate him for it - get out of that elitist mindset of us vs them, PUA vs AFC world or whatever dungeons and dragon jargon you have floating around in your head.

Friday, August 1, 2008

are you a candidate for greatness?

Whats makes one a candidate for mPUA / Guru or Natural status? I was thinking about this one night when I watched this guy out laughing and having everyone else around him entertained. While I didn't see him pull any babes I couldn't help but to notice how entertaining and fun he was and it made me realize that some guys are suited for greatness more than others. It's just like some guys being suited more to play college level or professional sports than other guys or any other walk of life. So when it comes to pickup here is what I think is a criteria for a person to become great:

1) Charisma (personality)
2) humor
3) courage

Thats it! Yep that about wraps up the things that are the criteria for being great. You confidence, and all of those other things can be worked on a grow but I've noticed guys with robotic/bland personalities and poor humor do poorly in this field. A guy I went to high schoool with was tall, well built and decent looking but he was the most boring, bland guy you'd ever meet. Granted he pulled his share of girlfriends but he always got dumped and when I would ask the girls why they'd say "he was boring, he never had anything to talk about, his jokes were awful" and so on. On the contrary one of my community friends was a class clown like someone who was a Saturday Night Live reject but still funny and had a good personality to say the least. He did very well with women when he discovered the community but he wasn't active that much in the community, instead he was always out and around town meeting women, going on dates and such. Humor and charisma are huge! Courage is just balls but guys with balls also do well yet you can't have balls and be fearless when it comes to talking to women if you don't have anything to say or no sense of humor.
Like I said the other things you can learn and gain in time: confidence, intrigue, rapport skills etc but if you want to be on top you have to have a personality to begin with.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Products, products, products

I have a friend who sort of acts as my drug dealer. Well no I don't do drugs, at least not anymore but he keeps me well up to date on the latest products in the community and what he thinks. I swear this guy has every single dvd, cd, ebook, presentation and whatever else that has come out from all of the pua companies, gurus, and what not. Here's the funny thing though and even he'll admit it - he rarely hooks up with women. Not by choice but that's just the way it is. He's been in the community since the end of 06, took his bootcamp sometime in 07, and has been a community product collector since that time yet I've only seen a marginal increase in his game from 06 till now. He describes himself as an information junky and trust me the community supplies us with enough junk to cause us to overdose. The last thing most people need is another PUA product yet companies will find a way to push out something 'new' and something that 'has never been seen before' and something 99 percent of the men in this world don't know about something that will skyrocket your game, shall I keep going? You know the pitch. And I shake my head to the guy who has 400+ forum post but no fuck closes. And there are plenty out there. A lot of these guys are seen as the authority and when they review products people take their word for it. 'Simply put the best product on the market today!' How do you know when you don't even have any closes? Between 1998-2002 I had 85 closes from meeting all the way to sex and this was girls outside of my immediate social circle. This was before products and tons of theory. Back then it was trial and error, not a lot of thinking involved or a head full of theory.
There was a lot of hitting up clubs, malls, department stores etc and going for broke.
There was less approach anxiety also. We really didn't know what that was. Now it's like you have to have the right theory in your head or opening routine to go in and start talking. Back then it was basically 'Whats up!!" In a high energy manner in the bars or a low key "hey, whats up in the day time"

95 percent of community releases are rehashes, useless information or can be found free on forums, boards and from podcast. The other 5 percent is actually something that might be worthy of a look, read or listen. But it's like shuffling through a large box of hundreds of bowling balls to find the right one to fit you. Yep what may be good for you may not be good for the guy next to you. I can't tell you how many times I've read 'best product ever! Totally blew me away!' only to check it out myself and find it practically useless. Warning to self: never take advice from a 20 year old virgin who is fascinated with the latest greatest PUA products.
Imagine this. You're team gets a new coach and your friend is the new unseasoned quarterback and he comes to you and you say 'how is the new coach' and he says 'man this is the best offense ever!!' and 5 games into the season you've rarely scored any touchdowns. You see what I mean?

We're seeing a big release every 3 to 6 months. They're becoming like blockbuster movies. I can hardly wait till PUA products have trailers at the beginning for the next big thing! Hell I can hardly wait till Will Smith signs a deal with a PUA company to star in the next big release. That's kind of funny but I did hear a guru once say wouldn't it be cool if we had a celebrity of some sort to endorse us! And that was months before that overrated but entertaining television show on VH1 came out. Most of you guys don't need to watch or listen to anymore products. You just need a ton and I do mean a ton of practice. Get a good friend and go out weekend after weekend and make female friends and acquaintances and don't even focus on the pickup. Meet, greet, bounce to different spots, go to some unknown guys after hour party, go to Dennys, exchange numbers, start conversations, you know just go do it!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

quotes from a PUA guru, and an ex girlfriend

I was thinking back to the community and some of the guys say that sometimes I'm too harsh on it because when the bs clears they are being helped by these guys and their game is so much better than their AFC days and I agree but hey there's a ton of free resources for the guys who don't have the $479 for DVD's or $2500 for bootcamp. There's Pickup Podcast which I recently discovered a few months back and there's tons of forums, blogs and everything else. I personally like Pickup Podcast and because they are more central and not geared to one company or another. Seduction Chronicles is good to read also. The guy on that site does a good job to stay in the middle and not lean towards one side or the other.

Anyway back in '07 I was having a conversation with a very well known PUA. I was sitting there in the club sipping my Captain Morgan and pepsi and he was downing his soda and he was asking why I wasn't trying to be an instructor and I told him I just didn't feel like taking guys all over and teaching them how to pickup women. It wasn't my passion. And he leaned over to me and said "dude this is big business, there is money to be made here and if you don't get your piece of the pie then someone else will" Now I don't remember the whole conversation obviously but I do remember some of the things he said which hold true till this day.
Some memorable conversation pieces from that night:

"I never want to go back to a 9 to 5, if I have to push products and encourage bootcamps I will but this is the life for me!"

"We want to push this more mainstream. Who cares what the public thinks, who cares if someone gets called out, the more this is mainstream the more guys will look for us and the more business they bring in. Fuck that underground shit thats so 2000 we are fucking stars man and this is one its way to being a multimillion dollar industry!"

"Dude do you think Nortons and McAfee and whoever else wants there to be no more computer viruses? If everything ran smoothly those companies would go under! There needs to be viruses or the potential threat of possible viruses for those companies to stay afloat. We have to keep taking this to the next level, in our case we want more AFC's in the world so we can reach out to them and help them and keep business flowing"

"he doesn't get laid that much but he's a good instructor, man you know sometimes it isn't about who is getting the women its about whether he can explain our technology and teach it to some guy who doesn't get women and pickup"

That was what stood out to me in our conversation. Some guys go on and on about these gurus
wanting to be rich and make money. Hey I want to be rich and make money also so I don't fault that but at what expense? Some of these companies and coaches have a conveyor belt mentality of get them in, get paid and ship them out the door. And there are plenty who have the celebrity mindset of wanting to be known and wanting some claim to fame. Trust me when you get a big named PUA sloshed up on a little alcohol and the truth starts to come out you hear things that make you do a double take! The truth is I could've easily been an instructor. I've ran game so much better than 50 percent of the instructors I've seen in the field and in all honesty I'm not really that great. But you don't have to be great to pickup women. You just have to be on that night in that moment. It all has to click.

Now for your entertainment pleasure this was from a conversation with an ex of a former instructor guru of one of the big four or five companies out there. I ran into her at a Starbucks one evening and I knew her from when the two of them dated for a good 3 months we exchanged emails and this is what she wrote about the super PUA guru:

"he kept asking me to go out with him in a joking manner after I wouldn't return his calls and finally I did and he started out cool but sexually he was bad and so that was a turn off for me. I'll let it go for a few weeks but it was every time we had sex he had problems getting it up and when he did he'd lose it way to fast or come way to fast. After I broke up with him he would drive by my apartment at like 3 or 4 in the morning and it was freaking me out. He would also send me these emails about how he's good with women and he teaches guys how to be better men with women and who he knows and has been out with, it was rather pathetic but thats when I found out about this pickup stuff, I never knew he was involved and I didn't mind except for him bragging or begging me to go out when he's supposed to be good with women"

Just goes to show that not all of your gurus are seduction artist. And now you understand why I wont name names either. Have a good one.

Who are the top PUA's really?

I know you've heard it many times that so and so is the best ever! Or that so and so sucks. The debates go on and on and the thing is most of you will never know or find out. I personally have had the liberty of seeing most of the so called top gurus on the West Coast and Canada and have friends across the US and in Europe that I talk to occasionally that tell me about the guys they've seen in clubs that are well known or not so well known.

Here's the reality: some of your top gurus, if you saw them in the field you would scratch your head wondering what the hype was about. I would say out of 20 of your top well known PUA's about half of them are substance and the rest are hype and I may be pushing it by stating half.
Now when I say hype I don't mean they don't have game at all, I'm just saying don't expect anything spectacular, in fact don't expect anything greater than what your normal natural in the club pulls off. If you have a personality, a set of balls and the ability to carry on a conversation trust me you could pull off what 50 to 75 percent of your top so called gurus pull off on a weekly basis. I think you should reread that statement a few times.

The reason why you don't believe this is because we have a community filled with 20 year old virgin fans of certain gurus who give these gurus superpowers that most of us don't think we can achieve. And we're sold this plethora of material and ideas on which the gurus supposedly have labored around. I've seen gurus lay out tactics like a game of chess and do nothing in field but get a few girls laughing and smiling before ejecting. I've seen some gurus take the high and spiritual road talking about strange out of body New Age concepts that's supposed to enlighten you and put you above the superficial, material or that which exist in your mind. Ironically I've also seen some of these guys out and their game is non-existent but of course they are on another planet and the women don't understand. Sad to say I even know some guys who use sets with girls they already know and have had intimate connections to pretend that they just cold opened a new set and showed guys how well the interaction went during a bootcamp.

But hey it all sells. You're on a forum with a ton of 17-22 year olds who have never been on a date, some have never kissed a girl, never slept with a girl etc so you find the community and you find a Guru from a popular company and everything he tells you sounds like the Holy Grail of solving your problems. And it's not to say that this guru doesn't have good intentions, or isn't a good teacher but (and pay attention to this) if you were to actually see a majority of these guys out in the bars and clubs you would realize the only difference between them and the rest of the club crowd (that includes you ) is that they go out of their way to talk to girls in contrast to the 80 percent of guys who don't or who only do when their drunk. This is considering that they do approach there is a good amount of well known community PUA's that rarely approach or they approach the easiest targets (I hate that term) in the club.

I remember seeing one particular well respected guru out and he never approached. He just stood back and observed like a guy at a bar who leans against the bar, orders drinks and hangs in the background. Every time an attractive girl came by he'd smile and say hi, or he'd ask a question about her dress or ask if she's having a good night and nothing more. Yet I've heard him in an interview talk about approaching sets, owning the club, being a man of action, being unreactive and everything else. There's another popular guru who does approach but says the most supplicating shit trying to win the girl over by telling her things that a chumps says yet I wouldn't say it to his face because this particular guy is a well known AMOG and will even threaten you physically. I've actually seen him push guys out of a set or grab them and AMOG the shit out of him.

Here's something that intrigues me sometimes: Why are there many gurus who decline to shoot infield footage? And some who do shoot staged footage. Why is it staged? Well what better way to generate business than to show your product in action with a girl who's paid willing to shoot a few minutes of footage showing you having a great interaction with her? After all would you buy or follow a company if they showed nothing but instructors or such getting rejection after rejection or just getting a hello, smile and goodbye? Of course not. Remember this is big business, 2001 seemed like a long time ago! Every guru has to live up to the hype of their advertising and the substance of their DVD and CD seminar or theory. No one wants to get exposed. I've seen plenty of these guys and there's a reason that many aren't coming out behind closed curtains. I wouldn't either if I can continue selling you ideas, theory and such.

That doesn't answer your question does it? Who are the top PUA's? It's not enough to say who cares because you're paying big money or devoted quality time following some of these guys. So ask yourself this: who has done the most to improve your game? That's who the top PUA is. It's the person who has helped you evolve the most. I could care less how much a particular guru gets laid, or the pictures he's shot with 4 girls around him, or how cool he looks, or tv shows, magazine articles etc - if it's done nothing to help you improve it doesn't mean much at all.

Monday, July 21, 2008

when instructors attack!

This is an old post, happened around September of last year, I was out with some friends at a popular night spot where occasionally you may see a bootcamp run or your occasional mix of pickup gurus or instructors and I was telling a curious newbie to be careful about deciding whether to attend a bootcamp or not and that's when an instructor who I've run into a few times out on the town told me that I was driving away business and I calmly disagreed stating that it was a big investment so it needs a lot of consideration and that the newbie may want to go approach women hardcore for a few months and see what areas he needs to improve on if any. This turned into a debate/argument that pretty much went nowhere as the instructor was trying to bully his argument into me. Now keep in mind the 3 or 4 times I've seen this guy out I have never seen him pull anything hotter than a 7 when he did actually pull. Sure I've seen him talk to plenty of 8's and 9's, chatting up the set a bit and getting them giddy and laughing but no kiss, not even a phone number. But personally I don't care who or what you pull just don't go bragging about you or your company when you rarely even pull yourself. And you go to the company site and they have their instructor credentials and they make him out to be some stud and I can verify that he wasn't. This goes for other instructors I've seen as well. But you witness their bootcamps from a distance and they're talking to a few cute girls in sets and everyone seems to be having a good time and that's their demo.

I never tell anyone to not take a bootcamp, I just expose the truth that it isn't always what you think it is. There are about 4 guys that I've actually seen or I have friends that have seen them that I would definitely recommend. One just recently moved from the big city and left his former company months back so I don't know if he's still teaching but I've seen him out and his game is top notch. Another just recently moved from one coast to another awhile back and I have friends that have seen him when he lived on the east coast and they back his credentials. But like I said I'm not on this site to promote or slander anyone personally so don't ask me but there are some good teachers, some average teachers and some bad teachers and they all work for the big companies. The company name doesn't mean a damn thing - the actual instructor who mentors you does. Note that. This is one of the first questions you should before shelling out your hard earned cash. Also (and I may have touched on this in an earlier post) don't pay attention to the rave reviews. I and a few others went onto forums a while back hunting down reviews of bootcamps. We would read the reviews, note the post counts, and try to find other threads by the guys who gave these rave reviews (field reports, lay reports, etc) and we ended up finding a lot of discrepencies: We found lots of 1 and 2 post members who took bootcamps, we found a lot of long detailed reviews that read like college essays - yet most people who post in the forums don't type with such proper etiquette, we PM'd a few guys who didn't reply back, and a few who did who were virgins and never had girlfriends so it's obvious why their bootcamps were so great if they did actually attend one and we rarely ever found FR's or LR's from this guys after their bootcamp experience, as if they left the forums afterwards. And this is why I bring these things up to guys who are curious but companies don't want you to expose this and I understand why. Negative reviews hurt business, positive reviews get you worked up and motivated to find a way to come up with the money. Instructors DO NOT make a lot of money so I can understand why the guy was pissed at me. Contrary to what we all think most of the money comes from products: DVD's, CD's and especially ebooks generate more money than bootcamps! I don't have any actual numbers but in a lot of cases if your instructor teaches a $2000 bootcamp he may see $800 of that. Well 1 or 2 bootcamps a month is only around $800-$1600 in his pocket so now you can understand why he needs a 9 to 5 along with his instructor job and thats why a lot of instructors leave (among other reasons like politics) and again I'm throwing loose figures around it may be a little bit more but more than likely it's probably less.

Anyway thats my 2 cents for the day to which I only get about 1/2 a penny after I pay my boss!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Routines or Natural? It's really your choice

With so much going on in the PUA business world, I mean the community it's really hard to figure out what path to take and with who. The common debate for the last (pick a number) years is routine vs natural (or commonly referred to as direct vs indirect) and to be honest I'm so tired of hearing about it that I don't give a damn. Does a gimmick offense get you to the Super Bowl? If so then hell run with it. Lord knows I've run a ton of routines in order to secure that one night stand, or date and the thing you have to remember is you aren't going to use them all of the time. You may open with a routine, tell a story, and maybe make some generic observations but that's about it to routine game. It's not 10,000 lines of memorized sentences and phrases. On the contrary if you're stuck after delivering your opening and your story then you have no game! If you are asking the board what to say after you say xxxx then you have no game! And if you are shaking in your boots or pissed because there may be a television show coming out about the lifestyle you live then you aren't a man with a core identity that's attractive.

Now the best PUA's I've seen run both routine based and natural game. They are what the community considers some of the best and well known guys out there. But their routines did not get them laid. Their routines only allowed them entrance into a group and minutes to interact with that group. Read that again for all of you 'routines are for suckers' guys. Their routines did not get them laid, it only allowed them less resistance when entering a group and time to demonstrate their personality. I see a group of 3 girls, I have my fun opener ready
and I go in and deliver it with success, maybe tell a story or two that I've told everyone in the world (the same way you do with coworkers, friends etc) and just vibe it naturally from there.

My friend who runs some super tight routine based game said 'Show me a guy who walks into a set of 5 girls and guys and pulls the girl he's interested in out of the set by walking up and expressing his true desires and 8 out of 10 times I'll show you an athlete, actor, musician or a guy who the girl was strongly attracted to in the first place'

So from that you hear my defense of routine based game. The reason so many guys are critical of it is because they feel like that's all guys run. As if a guy runs 2 hours worth of routines. Bullshit! I bet the best routine based guys run about 5-10 minutes top worth of routines.
Now for you routine based guys quit being so damn critical of the natural or direct guys. I don't want to hear anymore of this crap about 'that's what all guys do' because it's not. Just as much as it irks me when guys suddenly find the natural holy grail and bash routines it irks me when guys who feel that they need routines bash natural/direct game as methodical, unoriginal or nothing different than what every other guy does in the club. As I write this I recall the other night seeing the cutest girl in the bar ( a lovely biracial 5'4 girl with black curly hair and the prettiest eyes) getting picked up and smiling while talking to this bald black guy who said nothing more than "hey how are you?, I'm Kev, what's your name? Thats a lovely name..." And those two ended up going outside and talking forever and he left with her number. What everyone else does....whatever.

The truth is 'game is game' and if you have it then you'll do well and if you don't - I don't care if Jesus wrote some routines for you, you will suck in the field. It really and truly does boil down to your confidence, self esteem, and personality. Everything else is a filter, whether it's pre-scripted or off the top of your head.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pua head mess

What is the difference between you being the guy wanting or gaming hot girls and the guy who isn't a PUA or even a natural who actually dates attractive women?

Why do I ask? Because I have a friend who time and time again has dated very attractive girls. He is not a PUA, he is not a natural, he is not in the community. He is just an average guy who goes for attractive women and asked them out. And he's not the only one I know who does this. Plenty of guys do. That HB9 and HB10 you're wondering how to approach has/is dating someone who isn't in the community, who isn't this 6'4 alpha stud, and who isn't some smooth Mr Natural. She's dating a John Doe and you see it all the time but in your reality it shouldn't happen because he doesn't have the theory down, the tactics, the state, the routines, or the social proof. He just is. He does what he wants, he goes for what he wants, he takes chances that aren't calculated and don't seem weird or require special techniques. He may do things that make you go "that's so AFC" but who gives a damn. He's dating the girl you're trying to boyfriend destroy (thumbs down to that BS tactic) or the girl you're asking the board how to get!

Get it?

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Who am I? Just a pale pasty white guy with a lot on his mind.

So anyway one of my close friends asked me why I'm staying anonymous. Well for no other reason than the fact that some haters can no longer call you out when you're anonymous.
Okay it's a bit of a complicated story. See back a few years ago (or maybe it was a year) an infamous guru posted about the 10 he picked up in a particular night club and it got rave feedback. Well it so happened that I happened to be at the same club he said he was at where he picked up the hot 10 who he said was the hottest girl in the bar and that everyone else had failed with. The funny thing about the story is that I never saw him the whole night. Nor did I see the girl he described. Not only that but he followed up by saying they went to a particular diner after the club and that every guy was staring at him and his super model date and every girl was eying them also. Well again he slipped because my brothers ex happened to be a waitress there on that shift and she said they were dead and there was hardly a sole that came in and she never made mention of any hot girl or a guy.
So I called him out on the field report and he bashed me for being a hater and he changed his story around and said he was at the club. I messaged him back and said well you would've seen the huge fight at the club then and the cops and he said he saw the fight and left when the cops was showed up. There was no fight!

Anyway enough on that I just decided I would let guys tell their stories, let companies post their highly rated bootcamp reviews under whoever, and let people get bug eyed over their conceived notions of their gurus having D&D wizard like powers and I just let it alone.

Now let me say something, I am not trying to hate on anyone. As a matter of fact I've learned a lot from all of the theory and information that has been passed down and through trial and error. What I want you all to realize though is that this community works best when we're helping one another and trying to share and gain knowledge and understanding. How do fake field reports, rehashed theory on DVD's and CD's, $3000 bootcamps, and such help you? If anyone remembers the fake video of the guy meeting a girl and kissing her on the street within minutes you know what I'm talking about. It was exposed as being a fake and this is the type of stuff that consumes about 75 percent of the business. Remember when Chris Rock said that the money isn't in the cure but in something that will give you a temporary fix? Well in relation to pickup the money is in keeping you dependent on information, more and more information. Yes I know some guys are constantly trying to uncover every angle of attraction, seduction and what not but ask yourself 'how hard is it really?' 'Does it require 25 CD's, 4 ebooks, 10 DVD's and $3000 bootcamps from a company to get it down?' or does it require you getting off your ass, talking, taking notes on paper and in your head and ocassionally reading some good post or watching someone else do it?

Out of the top 3 companies there are probably over 80,000 members! Yes go count them if you don't believe me. Yet how many of those guys including you are actually getting laid? How many of you are consistently going on dates? How many of you are better men now? No, not men with better routines or more knowledge but better MEN. How many of you spend more time on the Internet defending your guru or company or marveling at others so called success than you do spend time talking to women and working on your social skill set?

I didn't come in this community to be the next well known PUA to be idolized, come out with a 10 disk DVD set, argue theory or bow down to guys I see in the club often doing the same thing I do only with more intent. What about you?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Who my blog is for

To most of you who stop by to read my blogs, whether you like it or not, agree with my opinions or not, understand that I made this to shed light on the reality of the community, game and so forth.
I never really liked the idea of being a pickup artist personally because I think it has negative connotations, I mean what other identity would get you such a creepy reaction, resistance or a 'get serious' look from girls if you told them thats exactly what you do. But let's face it we are pickup artist, seducers and whatever else you call it. It's a fun lifestyle and brings out your best social skills and that's what others on the outside don't understand. Yet like I said in my blog about the community being a mess there is a dark side to this shit. You become arrogant, judgmental, sometimes annoying, and other negative things. When girls don't want to talk to you and you stand there and still try to run your game it's flat out rude and makes you look like a dumb ass. That's why I rarely ever hang with pua's.

It's funny when I read someone talking about ditching their friends or how their friends are AFC and they want to hang with pua's only, I begin to shake my head and wonder if we're raising men of character or sleazeballs. I dropped a few newbie community guys because they wouldn't shut up about 'game' and flat out gave me the creeps. I'd rather hang with guys and talk about women, sports, cars, computers etc than sets, routines, HB9 in the corner, gurus and other shit all night. You seriously want to be a good wing? Then don't weird your friend out.
The community needs to focus less on rules, business, fame and other bs and focus more on just having fun for the sake of it and learning to be a man of character, wit, charm and an understanding of humanity in a real sense and not some guys who think they know what its all about because they listened to product x, ran routine y, or even because they just all of a sudden feel natural and confident. Pffffffft! Spare me the psuedo-male ego. When you stop sweating over 9's and 10's and learn to talk and treat people based on the content of their character then you start to get it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

To Bootcamp or Not? Some less flattering stories

I know it riddles your brain, whether or not you should take a bootcamp or not. I know if you had that extra $2500-$3000 laying around you'd do it in a heartbeat. So for most people it's a matter of money instead of whether they will get anything out of it. You've read the amazing reviews and got excited and felt like a peeping tom looking in on a cool party that you weren't invited. Okay seriously I have several friends some of who I know personally and some by corresponding through the internet over the years, who have taken bootcamps and the reviews were mixed. Once again let me add that I'm not here to slander or flame any company nor am I here to hype any company up so I'm leaving out names. Now I've had 5 close friends of mine take bootcamps with various companies (one guy took two bootcamps) Two of my friends asked for refunds, as did another guy who took the bootcamp. The other guy felt he gained nothing from the experience but he was too proud to ask for a refund and the last two felt uplifted by their bootcamp experience.

Now none of these guys are total AFC's which should tell you something. The other guys who went to the bootcamp were total AFC's so their hype of an experience is a result of being young and never having the experience of dating, being intimate with women or anything similar. The first couple of women that responded to them in a positive manner made them feel like Gods. But for my friends they had already been in relationships, dated or had fair success meeting women so there was nothing revolutionary about their bootcamps. By the way most of this happened in late 2006 and in 2007. Here are some of their comments I remember:

"The daytime was seminar and get to know you talk mainly over stuff you know if you read all the material and such; the night time we were told to go and talk to this set or that set and after every set you'll get a little feedback like you did X well, you should do more Y. My instructor didn't do any demo sets, he hung in the background and talked with another instructor and kind of observed."

"After seminars we got to the clubs and the approached sets. The instructor did one demo set that went okay but nothing more than the girls smiling, a little laughter and then he ejected. Some of us did well, some didn't. One guy was so scared that the instructor sent a girl over to talk to him. The next night he approached and had a few girls giggling and he was like Wow man this is amazing and I'm thinking like 'have you been in a cave for the past 22 years?' When you read a message board and there's always guys who seem clueless about every detail you realize they exist in real life and they do need help but for most of us it's standard bar and club night. I didn't get much out of it to be honest"

"Shit man the instructor just kept blabbing on and joking about where he was before he got in the community. I found out he was a newbie and AFC 6 months ago and now he's an instructor. His demo was horrible, like things you know not to do even if you aren't in the community. I kissed closed and # closed without applying most of what we learned, this was just from shit I knew from going out so much myself and with my friends. He stopped me after the night and said I should teach which I found flattering but man I forked out a few thousand, I wanted to learn how to take my game to another level. He had the other guys feeling like they were superheroes because 2 of the other guys were virgins but I'm feeling like I could've saved my money and upped my wardrobe. Think real hard before you fork over money for a bootcamp man because you may be just one step away from were these instructors are and you realize all you need is some balls. I am not joking!"

"Man I was thinking okay this is it! I wanted to do this for a long time so I could go back home and completely take over the nightlife in my city. Here I am taking a bootcamp with one of the elite companies after reading all of the great reviews and even seeing pics of cute girls. I remember I couldnt wait to get out of the class portion and go to the club. Fuck me if I was totally not blown away! Let me rephrase that man. It was a $3000 weekend to do the same stuff I had been doing before I took the bootcamp and that is go around, be social and talk to people, and start conversations with women. I couldn't wait to see the instructor do some gaming and they did. They also got blown out, one instructor had his HB9 that he was gaming taken by some big black guy that looked like Terrell Owens! Another instructor sat with some random guy and they did shots of tequila and kept singing dumb songs. It makes you realize that this whole guru talk is overrated, these guys are normal like you and I. I wasn't expecting them to take girlfriends from boyfriends, pull supermodels from alpha male sets or the likes but I was expecting to see something more than my instructor getting drunk or another one spending 30 minutes talking to a HB6 and twice getting the women he was gaming taking by some other guys. I don't know man, I learned a lot more from the negative than the positive experinces "

Those are a few less desirable comments from guys I talk too. Keep in mind that their experiences were deleted from the forums which brings up another point: Who are these guys who are having these amazing experiences? Why do the majority of them have less than 5 post to their name? Where are their lay reports months after their mind blowing bootcamps? Where are the majority of negative reviews? Did 95 percent have positive experiences, is that what we are to believe? These are questions you should ask yourself.
From my own experience I've probably seen about 60-70 percent of the top name PUA's on the West Coast, Canada, and even a few from overseas. I've seen some guys who were good and I've seen some top level guys who were no better than your average decent looking man in the club when it comes to interacting with women. But to the untrained eye they look like superstars.
Keep in mind that out of your top list of PUA's (the ones that are ranked every year) - most of them did not take a bootcamp. If you list the top well known guys in the community the majority of them did not attend a bootcamp! They learned through trial by fire with the exception of a few.

Here's some questions to ponder before taking a bootcamp:
What is the quality of the instructors? How long have they been involved in the community?
Is there a refund? How many positive reviews are there outside of their own forums? What is the skill level of the students months after the bootcamp (are they seeing much better results)
and is this something that you may be able to learn on your own without shelling out a few grand but companies seem to push the idea that you can't learn it without a bootcamp?

Now for me there was a point where for 3 months I said I would game no girls except 9's and 10's. Nothing less. And so I did and as a result I got laid by several 9's and 10's. It took a lot, there were flakes, blow outs, shutdowns but out of 28 women in a 3 month period I slept with 7. Ironically it's the same result I had with 6's, 7's and 8's. And this is without bootcamps or anything else with the exception of some creative routines I put together and a strong frame I embodied and having the balls to talk straight up to very attractive girls.

So the bottom line is a bootcamp may help the low man on the totem pole afc or someone totally new to game but for many others all that glitters isn't gold. I'm not saying you should take one or that you shouldn't; all I'm saying it know what you're getting into and realize that you may not always get out of it what you expect.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

How do you game a 10!

Seriously you see this a lot am I right? Well heres the answer. You game a 10 the same way you game a 9. And you game a 9 the same way you game a 8 and you game an 8 the same way you game a 7 on down to 1! Now if you're gaming 1's we need to talk. There's no reason to game a 1 or 2 all the way up to a 5. Yes I've banged a 4 and a 5, together they were a 9. No seriously I don't game numbers! I game women. So gaming a 1 and a 10 is the same but different. In other words you may have thin, athletic beautiful blond at the bar and big, chunky not so attractive brunette at the bar. I talk to them the same. You may say hello to the blonde and she may smile and say hello back and the next thing you're in a conversation with a beautiful women. You may say hello to the overweight brunette and she may ignore you or ask why you're talking to her. You get it? You game women not numbers! Everyone is different. Tammy may have a hard shell around her, Jennifer may be warm and receptive. Notice I didn't say how attractive or unattractive each girl was. I've gamed 10's with simple conversation starters that led to dates afterwards, and I've had a time and a half gaming 7's using everything in the toolbox only to have a flake and vice versa. Numbers don't matter who she is does.
So the question is who is the girl you're gaming? What does she do? What are her ambitions in life? Who are her friends? What's her favorite music? How close is she with her family? All of these little questions and observations give you insight into the type of girl you're gaming. Not just her face and waste size. Remember that.

Monday, June 23, 2008

You can get any girl you want - NOT!

Thats what I see pitched often and to guys who are new they believe it. I can't tell you how many times I've read that it must be great being a PUA and being able to go into a bar and pickup any girl you choose. Uh it doesn't quite worked that way. I've seen top notch instructors blown out of sets continuously. I've also seen them pull some very attractive women (to those nay sayers who say none of it works) I've seen women scream, curse out, blow off, even throw their drinks on guys in my days. And I've seen guys walk out with the hottest women in the club. I've seen the so called masters get blown out only to be followed by some unknown dork in the club who picked up the same girl that previously blew out Mr Master PUA. I've seen it all happen and that's the beauty of the Game - you never know what will happen. There is no fixed outcome. Live and learn.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

You want to get good?

I know everyone who is in the community wants to get good. They want to see what things are like on the other side of the fence. I was the same way. I was reading tons and writing down techniques and things to say and keeping them in a 4 1/2 by 3 1/4 inch notebook that fit in my back pocket and I took it with me everywhere. Before the days of boot camps it was trial and error. I went out 3 nights a week due to my job. To me going out 7 nights meant you either worked a schedule that allowed you to and you lived in a happening city where something went on all the time (NY, LA) or you were obsessed or whatever but 3 nights was good enough for me. One thing that occurred to me and made me realize the game is tough but not is tough is some make it out to be is that a big part of this game is just having the balls to talk to women. Yes that's it. Have a pair of balls to go out and talk to women and have something interesting to say when you do. If you can do that you'll beat out most of the guys out there. It also helps to look and smell nice. Why and how do you think that normal looking guy met that beautiful girl and trust me there's always a few in the club? Yep, he talked to her, he wasn't pushy or afraid and she actually went out with him and dug him. That's it! No DHV story, no social proof, no neg just straight up conversation while being relaxed, and not sweating over her. Trust me I talked to plenty of girls who said just that: "oh he just came up and talked to me and he was funny and cool"
So the next time you think about forking over $2500 for a bootcamp or spending 10 hours watching the next mindblowing 'no one is teaching this shit' $750 product try going out and having conversations with women over and over and asking them to go out with you sometimes and leave the bullshit "every AFC does that, I did that and it didn't work" excuses home and get your ass out there.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Community - A Beautiful Mess

I was always asked to start a blog. I've been on the internet for how long? Since '98 and I'm just getting around to starting one and I'm beginning my blog with my rant on a community I was a part of off and on since 1999. I've seen it grow into the beautiful mess it's become. Back when I was involved it was kind of cool, secretive and a great way to learn while killing time from your boring 9 to 5. mASF was this hotbed of information with guys from all over sharing their input on how to meet women. I left the forums and scene around the end of 2003 because I was in a relationship and didn't want to spend anymore time reading the forums. I jumped back in right after 'The Game' was released - I knew what was coming. I said to my friend either this is the beginning of the end or the end and a new beginning.
Companies sprang up like the industrial revolution. New pua's were coming out of nowhere
and reproducing like flies. Gurus were crowned (most of them sucked, only a handful were actually good) and a new beginning dawned.
I have to say in the years I was learning I actually became decent. Not great by any means but pretty decent. I had the pleasure and pain of dating girls that worked at Hooters, night clubs, make-up counters, etc. I never took a bootcamp or purchased an overpriced DVD set; that stuff wasn't even out when I was active (well a few bootcamps were being taught but DVD's and CD's weren't out) only a few ebooks and a ton of post on the forums.
Most of my time was spent reading the forums and going out to practice after a long day at work.
I remember going to work and sitting on the phones talking to customers and trying to read new post by guys who had good information and knowledge and anticipating getting off work so I could hit up a bar or wherever and trying things out. I remember getting excited when I picked up a girl who worked at Hooters who was very gorgeous and friendly too; she wanted to come over to my place and watch movies and have drinks and I wanted to go out because I wanted to everyone else to see me with her. I learned through experience that many of us choose eye candy because we want to flaunt eye candy not because we are genuinely attracted to the girl.

Back then the community to me was like being 12 on Christmas Day. Now it's like being 30 on Christmas Day. You start to see the commercialism and it leaves you with a rather less than impressive feeling. I know it does for many who have been around for awhile who aren't a part of the cash cow it's become. I don't know what the future is for the community. Some guys say every guy needs this. I don't think so. To me this was for the guys who really wanted to learn the tricks of the trade when it comes to meeting women, yet I've rarely seen any of these guys, guru or not being good with relationships.